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I am the man in this picture. But my name isn't really Degama. I borrowed that from my mother, who got it from her father, who got it from his. Where he got it from is uncertain. Stolen from a long dead Portuguese businessman, I suspect. It is, however, the name my family have used, for for the past few hundred years, to disguise their true identy. That is too far gone now so Degama will have to do. I'm not giving it back, anyway. But like most of the things you'll read here, it has at least a ring of truth about it. Like this statement. I am a writer.


At time of writing, only a few people have been kind enough to bestow that honorific upon me, and one of them had to be paid. I got a little of my money back in free wine, though. And what do I write? Poems, short stories, obscene graffiti in public toilets and, so far, one novel. You can buy that at Amazon, by the way. Another is coming, assuming I can sustain a heartbeat long enough to get it done. Watch this space. I dare you.


In the meantime, I am available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, funerals and shindigs, although I am quite shy and probably won't talk to anyone. If you'd like to know more... You could start by reading something... or I suppose you could contact me.

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